PhD Student (2020-)

Prime Minister's Research Fellow (PMRF)

M.Sc. Physics - IIT Guwahati

B.SC. Physics - Miranda House, University of Delhi, India

PhD Student (2020-)

Inspire Fellow

M.Sc. Physics - Jadavpur University

B.Sc. Physics: University of Burdwan, WB 

PhD Student (2023-)

M.Sc. Physics - IIT Guwahati

B.Sc.  Physics - Kazi Nazrul University, WB

PhD Student (2023-)

M.Sc. Physics - Pondicherry University

B.Sc.  Physics,  Karnataka University

5th Year BS-MS  Physics Major (2019-)


Atif Jan

PhD Student

University of Cambridge, UK


Rajatava Mukhopadhyay

5th Year BS-MS 

IISER TVM (2022-2023) 

Dr Aswathi K

Navakerala Post –Doctoral Fellow (NKPDF)

IISER TVM (2022-2024) 

Present status: Researcher at C-MET Thrissur

Reshma P Pradeep

5th Year BS-MS 

IISER TVM (2021-2022) 

Present status: PhD student at EMPA, University Basel, Switzerland.

Khalak Mahadeviya

5th Year BS-MS 

IISER TVM (2020-2021) 

Present status: PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Minor Project Students (IISER TVM)

Short Term Project Students


Sneha Maria Joseph  (BS-MS IISER TVM), (Sep - Dec, 2022), Riya Pathak (M.Sc. IIT Guwahati), (May - July, 2021), Gourav Seel (BS-MS IISER TVM), (May - July, 2021), Aswany Gopal (BS-MS IISER TVM), (May - July, 2021)